​Home of the original "JOHNNY"

      There are so many days that I sit down to draw something beautiful, however life gets in the way. This past month has been rough finding the time to create something beautiful and I find myself becoming extremely frustrated by the days end. I woke up this morning, grabbed my cup of coffee (an old mason jar) and went out to talk with God and Jesus as I do every morning. After our morning discussion I asked them to help me get motivated to draw, mumbling a sign would be helpful here. I sat down next to read my horoscope and was amazed by the words, for it read “you are going through a very frustrating time right know and being creative, using your talents and gifts will definitely help you get through this trying time in your life”. Don’t tell me there is not a God. After some delays and a few setbacks I started working on a beautiful sunrise, after all, we all get a FRESH START every morning when we wake up. He gives us 86,400 seconds of his artistry and creativity to enjoy each day. It is up to us to decide how to use that time. 6 hours later and several interruptions along the way I finished creating something beautiful. LIFE IS GREAT.