​Home of the original "JOHNNY"

        Welcome to the softer side of life (or at least my interpretations of it.)  I started this collection out to be a series on flowers, more specific the rose, however after three years and a tremendous amount of thought I decided to change this to the softer side of life and not just use the roses as the source for this collection ( for they seem to work better in the romance collection anyway). As for this particular piece, I have found through years of trial and error, that a single yellow rose will do more for the ladies than anything else when you want to just impress them. It says I am interested in you and that I want to get to know you with rushing (red rose) into a relationship so it came to me as no surprise when Cathy told me that they are her favorite color rose, imagine that. YEP life was great then too.


order your "JOHNNY" now