​Home of the original "JOHNNY"

     While we were exploring the older section of St. Augustine, Florida we heard about a local legend of the Forever Tree (two separate tree trunks growing together to form one) and as the legend goes if you kiss the one you love under the Forever Tree you will be together forever, so with set off with a hand drawn map of the location of this special tree (our own treasure hunt) drawn by one of the local ghost hunter guides (the whole dam place is supposed to be haunted). Ironically we wound are way through the streets, up this block, down that block, wondering in circles at times only to end up a few feet from where we started. The hunted guide who drew the map laughed as we kissed under the tree. I looked back at him and asked why didn’t he just tell us the tree was right there? He laughed again and said “what fun would that have been”. Life is great.