​Home of the original "JOHNNY"

       Well we have reached Cathy's birthday, and the world we all live in at this time is in the process of imploding,( if you are one of those people who have no clue what is happing all around the world, you might want to start paying attention to what you are seeing and asking the simple question why is this happening?) world war 3 is knocking loudly on the door, while Canada is turning into a dictatorship before our very eyes, and our country is in the worst shape its ever been in from a stolen election( Sleepy Joe told you in the debates it was the most money ever paid to steel an election and nobody payed any attention to his statement). Anyway with all that is happening I thought it would be cool to make Cathy's Birthday "JOHNNY" a little bit more interesting then just watching the sun set as we all are watching our world change forever and yes life is GREAT.