​Home of the original "JOHNNY"


       This piece has an interesting story behind it. It started when the Soul Circus Cowboys were playing at CJ’S on Treasure Island Florida. My lovely wife Cathy, My beautiful daughter Jennifer, and I made the short trip to enjoy some good Southern rock music and meet a few people that she had been conversing with on Facebook (imagine that). As the night started we had a few cocktails, Jennifer drinking mudslides rather quickly as I enjoyed a cold beer. The music was fantastic (as usual). The crowd continued to grow waiting for the arrival of the folks from Alabama, Franky Johnson and Connie Mathis Doggett. My wife is now conversing with the rest of those she intended on meeting that day. Jennifer is now on #6 mudslide and feeling quite comfortable when Franky and Connie show up, so me being the great husband I am politely sit them down at our table to surprise Cathy who stepped out for a cigarette. The rest of the night was a whole lot of fun with Jennifer ending up somewhere around a dozen mudslides and quite inebriated as we all parted ways.  A few days later Connie had mentioned to Cathy how she liked my artwork and wanted to know if I could do a dreamcatcher? Ok so after some thought and a lot of research on who Connie was I accepted the challenge and now we can all enjoy CONNIE’S DREAMCATCHER together. Life is GREAT.